[Libosinfo] [osinfo-db PATCH 0/3] Add network-install resources

Fabiano FidĂȘncio fidencio at redhat.com
Fri Mar 29 18:22:51 UTC 2019

Fedora Silverblue, CentOS 7 and RHEL 7.* are the first targets for taking
advantage of network-install resources as those require more RAM during
installation time (when performing a network installation) than their
recommended amount of RAM.

Both CentOS 7 and RHEL 7.* need their memory bumped to 1.5GB during
installation and Fedora Silverblue needs 5GB!

I'm aware that fedora-rawhide will also need some adjustment, but I was
*not* able to successfully start an installation due to non related
issues. So, it'll be updated at some point, later on.

Fabiano FidĂȘncio (3):
  rhel7*: Add network-install resources
  centos7: Add network-install resources
  silverblue28 & 29: Add network-install resources

 data/os/centos.org/centos-7.0.xml.in           | 4 ++++
 data/os/fedoraproject.org/silverblue-28.xml.in | 4 ++++
 data/os/fedoraproject.org/silverblue-29.xml.in | 4 ++++
 data/os/redhat.com/rhel-7-unknown.xml.in       | 4 ++++
 data/os/redhat.com/rhel-7.0.xml.in             | 4 ++++
 data/os/redhat.com/rhel-7.1.xml.in             | 4 ++++
 data/os/redhat.com/rhel-7.2.xml.in             | 4 ++++
 data/os/redhat.com/rhel-7.3.xml.in             | 4 ++++
 data/os/redhat.com/rhel-7.4.xml.in             | 4 ++++
 data/os/redhat.com/rhel-7.5.xml.in             | 4 ++++
 data/os/redhat.com/rhel-7.6.xml.in             | 4 ++++
 11 files changed, 44 insertions(+)


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